Vacuum Assisted Reflow 在线式真空回流炉

Heller Industries has developed a vacuum module that inserts directly in its reflow oven line to meet rising demand of high volume, void free, automated inline soldering. This vacuum assisted reflow has been shown to reduce the voids in a solder joint by 99% and allows thermal profiles to be directly ported from non-vacuum reflow applications to
achieve low COO and high UPH.

Features 主要特点
内置式真空模组,分五段精准抽取真空,实现无空洞焊接 (Void < 1%);
• Applies multi-zones to suit various thermal profile requirements
• Able to achieve < 1% total void area spec
• Provides optimized cycle (average 30~60s) to achieve high UPH
• Utilizes advanced pumping package for fast pump down time
• Adopts high efficient flux collection system to eliminate flux condensation
